SYD 10:30am, Saturday, 9th May

NYC 8:30pm, Friday, 8th May

Please make your selection below and complete your purchase to register. You will receive a zoom link to access the class after your payment has been received along with information for downloading the sound healing recording.

For information on our tiered pay-what-you-can structure, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Marma therapy is an Ayurvedic method of clearing stress from the muscles, soft tissues, fascia, and vital points of the body. A marma is an energy point located on the surface of the body. Through the manipulation of Marma points (marmani) both our mental and physical energy can be shifted or redirected in a transformative manner, to better one’s health and to induce a state of deep relaxation. Activating these points signals the body to produce exactly what it needs to heal the body, mind and consciousness, promoting better health and equilibrium within.

In this online class we will explore some methods for stimulating marma points through sparsha chikitsa (touch therapy) and deep stimulation using yoga asana. This will be accompanied with Tibetan Sound Healing via a recording for you to use during the session and for to keep for future use.

What to expect:

  • Discover how to give yourself a mini marma treatment specifically for treating digestive imbalances and to promote better digestive health.

  • Experience a Marma Asana Chikitsa practice focused on stimulating and nourishing the digestive system. During this asana sequence, Marma points will be directly stimulated in the body through long held yoga poses (think long, slow and deep poses performed in a passive manner similar in nature to yin and restorative yoga)

  • Be bathed in the soothing serene sounds of Phoebe’s ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls. This vibrational therapy (shabda chikitsa) will deepen and enhance the effects of the Marma Asana Chikitsa to clear physical and energetic blockages along the Maha Bhuta lines, the subtle channels in which the Marma points lie. The healing vibrations will pass through the gateway and permeate the targeted marmani creating balance at a cellular level, enhancing prana and restoring health. The sound healing component of this class will be shared via a digital recording for you to use during this class and also for future use.

The style of marma Phoebe Joel will share during this workshop is ISHTA Marma, a system of Marma Therapy developed by Kavi Yogiraj Alan Finger. The Marma Asana Chikitsa explored has been independently developed by Phoebe Joel under the guidance of her master teachers, Kavi Yogiraj Alan Finger and Yogiraj Sarah Finger.

*No prior yoga , sound healing or marma experience is required

  • What you will need:

    • a yoga mat or soft surface (e.g. carpeted floor)

    • 1 yoga bolster (or a few pillows / cushions)

    • 2-3 yoga blankets (or large towels or blankets)

    • Eye pillow (or small towel, handkerchief, t-shirt to place over your eyes)

    • 2-3 yoga blocks (or pile of books, magazines, or folded towels)

Accessible Wellness: Tiered pay-what-you-can pricing

At Tibetan Sound Healing we aim to provide accessible wellness no matter what your circumstances. In order to provide online services we have introduced tiered pricing and ask for your to be as generous as you can.

  • Pricing levels are as follows:

    • Community: for those facing financial hardship at this time

    • Sustainer: allows Tibetan Sound Healing to continue to provide online services

    • Supporter: contributing at this level enables us to continue to offer our community rate to those facing financial hardship