4:00 PM, April 2, Sydney

1:00 AM , April 2, New York

Please complete the two part sign up below. You will then receive a link to access the class.

For information on our tiered pay-what-you-can structure, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Muladhara Chakra governs our basic need for survival and how we manage the structures in our lives to best support this. Whether it be our finances, family and work, these are all primary concerns of Muladhara. Current global conditions are uprooting many of us - with our most primordial fears being triggered thus taking this Chakra out of balance. When Muladhara is out of balance it can manifest with feelings of anxiety, stress and fear, not feeling safe or secure, we can experience a lack of focus and our mood can turn heavy.

This session is deigned to bring balance back to Muladhara and will include a gentle asana practice comprised mainly of restorative yoga asana to release physical tension and conclude with a Yoga Nidra experience.

*No prior yoga or yoga nidra experience is required*

  • What you will need:

    • a yoga mat or soft surface (e.g. carpeted floor)

    • 1 yoga bolster (or a few pillows / cushions)

    • 2-3 yoga blankets (or large towels or blankets)

    • Eye pillow (or small towel, handkerchief, t-shirt to place over your eyes)

    • 2-3 yoga blocks (or pile of books, magazines, or folded towels)

Accessible Wellness: Tiered pay-what-you-can pricing

At Tibetan Sound Healing we aim to provide accessible options to experience our online services no matter what your current circumstances are. In this respect we have introduced tiered pricing and ask for you to be as generous as you can at this time.

  • Pricing levels are as follows:

    • Community: for those facing financial hardship at this time

    • Sustainer: allows Tibetan Sound Healing to continue to provide online services

    • Supporter: contributing at this level enables us to continue to offer our community rate to those facing financial hardship