• Sukha Mukha (map)
  • 38C Macpherson Street
  • Bronte, NSW, 2024

$45 pre-sale / $55 after 13th March

This workshop is focused on finding one's santosha, the yogic concept of acceptance and finding contentment within the myriad of circumstances life presents us with, both the good and the bad. We will explore this through the healing practices of yoga and Tibetan Sound Healing.

When life presents us with challenging and unpredictable circumstances, how is it that we can simply accept all the many forces we can’t control and find a sense of contentment and equilibrium amongst such chaos? During this potent exploration, I invite you to be receptive to an ‘unexpected’ experience where we will use the therapeutic practices of yoga, meditation and Tibetan Sound Healing to redefine our relationship with the unknown and undesirable. We will use these practices to challenge ourselves and explore how we can find a sense of ease, a sense of acceptance, and find our santosha, simply being ok with the circumstances that we are presented with. The overall experience will support your nervous system, provide a gateway to one's unconscious to release our fears and ultimately investigate how we can access a sense of equilibrium within ourselves, in our relationship to others and also with the greater forces of the universe. As we improve our internal literacy within the microcosm of the shala, we can discern how we can move through the unforeseen in all facets of life with grace and ease.

Expect an unconventional workshop that will be fun, challenging and surprising. Deeply nourishing and relaxing, you will emerge reset and awakened.

*No prior yoga experience is required. Please dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat, a small towel (small face towel) and a pair of clean socks*

** This workshop is being presented in an effort to address current global conditions and the unease many of us are facing as a result. The past few months have been marked by environmental disasters and a viral pandemic. Scenes that resemble a sci-fi dystopian nightmare straight from a Hollywood film are no longer fantasy but a harsh and alarming reality affecting citizens across the globe. In addition to this our lives are not necessarily aligning with our hopes and dreams, not delivering all the many things we believe will make us happy and instead we are often presented with one disappointment after another. We can easily start to feel disheartened, unstable and despondent as the volatility leaves us unable to feel secure and content. Developing the skills that help one find their santosha is one of the greatest tools we have to work through such unease for all the many different circumstances we face in life.

Phoebe Joel is a leading international expert in Tibetan Sound Healing, an ancient healing modality that utilises the deep vibrations and soothing sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls. She is also an accomplished yoga instructor specialising in yin, restorative and therapeutic yoga, yoga nidra and meditation. She has studied under the world's most eminent living masters including Yogirajas Alan & Sarah Finger of ISHTA Yoga, Leslie Kaminoff and Sarah Powers. Learn more about Phoebe here