11:00 AM, April 5, Sydney

9:00 PM , April 4 New York

Please complete the two part sign up below. You will then receive a link to access the class.

For information on our tiered pay-what-you-can structure, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

During this deeply relaxing and gentle class, we will explore how we can safely practise yin yoga asana whilst inverting our bodies. If you are suffering from stress, anxiety or feel a little under the weather or want to give your immune system a boost, this practice will help to calm your body and mind whilst also benefitting your immune system.

There are many benefits to turning ourselves upside down. When we “reverse gravity” we can rest our organs and shift fluid that has settled in our legs and feet back up through our bodies for an overall therapeutic effect. When we invert our bodies, fresh lymphatic fluid flows through us and fresh blood flows back to the heart and onto the brain. Stimulating lymphatic cleansing and drainage which clears toxins from the tissues, plays a vital role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our immune systems.

*This session is not recommended if you have glaucoma, serious heart problems, heavy menstruation, severe headache, uncontrolled high blood pressure, detached retina, inflammation of eyes & ears or are pregnant.

*No prior yoga experience is required*

  • What you will need:

    • a yoga mat or soft surface (e.g. carpeted floor)

    • a wall with clear space (clear a space by your longest wall & place your yoga mat perpendicular the wall)

    • 2 yoga blankets (or large towels or blankets)

    • Eye pillow (or small towel, handkerchief, t-shirt to place over your eyes)

Accessible Wellness: Tiered pay-what-you-can pricing

At Tibetan Sound Healing we aim to provide accessible wellness no matter what your circumstances. In order to provide online services we have introduced tiered pricing and ask for your to be as generous as you can.

  • Pricing levels are as follows:

    • Community: for those facing financial hardship at this time

    • Sustainer: allows Tibetan Sound Healing to continue to provide online services

    • Supporter: contributing at this level enables us to continue to offer our community rate to those facing financial hardship