• Sukha Mukha (map)
  • 38C Macpherson Street
  • Bronte, NSW, 2024

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that it practiced lying down in savasana. Often referred to as “yogic sleep” it allows one to maintain a hypnagogic state (a phase of consciousness which lies between being awake and being asleep) for an extend period of time. In this state, during a Yoga Nidra practice, one can experience deep relaxation, expanded states of consciousness and also release samskaras buried in the subconscious and unconscious. Therapeutically it is used for providing relief from chronic pain, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, reducing symptoms of IBS and to awaken one’s imagination and enhance creativity. Yoga Nidra is also commonly utilised for the management of sleep disorders and insomnia. It can be used to replace sleep or to help one fall asleep with 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra equivalent to 4 hours of sleep.

This Therapeutic Yoga + Yoga Nidra class will include a gentle asana practice comprised mainly of restorative yoga asana to release physical tension and to prepare the body for the Yoga Nidra experience. Following this, a Yoga Nidra experience will be shared to systematically induce deep physical, mental and emotion relaxation. As you surf the hypnagogic threshold of being awake and being asleep, you will encounter expanded states of consciousness and experience the spontaneous release of memories and habits buried in the subconscious and unconscious mind.

*No prior yoga or yoga nidra experience is required*

  • What you will need:

    • a yoga mat or soft surface (e.g. carpeted floor)

    • 1 yoga bolster (or a few pillows / cushions)

    • 2-3 yoga blankets (or large towels or blankets)

    • Eye pillow (or small towel, handkerchief, t-shirt to place over your eyes)

    • 2-3 yoga blocks (or pile of books, magazines, or folded towels)